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Part two of the counter-terrorist action:
Combat Forces Internet magazine will return as Fuerza Aerea Hardcopy soon !
For now enjoy these 18 pages !
Fuerza Aerea will be back in probably november or december 2015 !
Congratulations in advance for surviving the crisisyears and the new start !

9 - The denouement: 'We got them' ! i

A convoy standing by to transport troopers fast over land if neccessary...
A pile of stumps can be used as strategic cover....
....getting the site under absolute control spreads like wildfire...
.... communication: vital !
All of a sudden the word goes that the life-dangerous and heavily armed terrorists have been located. Troops hurry that direction... 
....and others have to return to their LZ (landing zone) as soon as possible.
'The word' goes around.....
.... it can be a long walk with an MG...   /   The sniperteam from the Slovenian Cougar is already back at the base...
The NH-90's also fly to their LZ's.... 
.... it can be that they meet other troopers than they delivered...
.... but that's one part of the exercise, working togehter no matter what nation, but within the completeness of the exercise.
.... all troops that know they won't be needed anymore hurry back to the return points... 
This Italian Chinook lowers to his Landing Zone to collect the Special Forces and us as well....
....helicopters are withdrawing the troops at large scale.
We (two Dutch and one Italian) Press representatives are the last to board and fly back to the base. 
Again more straw than helicopter...
... so better fly ahead a few meters and land in the grass if possible on the spot!
As stated, for the Hungarians it was their first participation...
.... but it seems they did a fine job...
.... landing here coordinated with the FAC's...
.......and collecting the soldiers to fly them back....
.... to the platformbase at Viterbo.
..... of course you wonder 'what about the terrorists' ?
... we'll show that to you in seconds...
.... the transport helicopters return, to deliver the troops safe back home and park on their 'own spots'....
.... followed by the returning of the attack-helicopters...
....to be checked, maintained and re-armed.

10 - The final result !!

The net had closed, these terrorists could not move anywhere anymore and decided to surrender under threat of being shot.......
.... groundforces overpowered another man and disarmed him....
..... handcoffed they were transported under arrest....
....taken into custody... 
 ....and transported to be interrogated and finally convicted !
.... the fire-support at last also departed from the LZ's...
.... and the crooks had no chance what so ever to do any harm anymore !
Well...  of course these two 'terrorists' would have a few beers after all with their 'enemies of the day' .... ;-))
....but in reality the capturing and imprisonment will look a bit different. However the results of the exercise, that's what counts !
Press was also very contempt about the exercise and participation, the given chances and facilities in the helicopters and in the field.
Debriefings are very important, firm critics are accepted where neccessary and given without restraint in good mood . All to learn about it.
( The complete written article is to be found at the next page )

  To Italian Blade impressions page 7 of 7  i

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