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So we arrive at our last page, one with a message at the end.
Short article about this subject in the Dutch magazine 'Piloot en Vliegtuig' :
Interview with Major Philipp Graf: EDA is the important coordinating organization ! 

11-  The 'New Apache' : The Agusta 'Mangusta'i

The Mangusta can compete easily with the AH-64 Apachebecause of less weight, less fuel, and even leathal !T
The Italian Army (1972) needed a light observation anti-tank helicopter. At the same time the West German military had identified a similar need. 
It lead to a joint project between Agusta and MBB, however Agusta later on got the lead in the total project.....
Agusta had initially studied the development of a combat-orientated derivative of their existing A-109 helicopter...
....however they decided to proceed with the development of a more ambitious helicopter design.
In 1978 Agusta formally began the design process on what would become this A129...
September 1983 the first of five A129 prototypes had it's maiden flight, the fifth prototype would first fly in March 1986.
The Italian Army placed an order for a total of 60 A129. Seeing it in action it's a hell of a machine in a positive way, pilots love it !

i12-  Perhaps most important: The reason why !

What we try to achieve in this extended impressions ??
Showing the need to be able to avoid as much as possible actions like this 9-11...
It is never said that our 'Western democracies'are a 100% ideal...
...but thìs pain and destruction as a way of changing things we must- and cannot allow.
In the hope and expectation that it ever will be better, we must be vigilant...
... and defend our freedom for which so many have given their lives. 
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The 'why' will always exist as long as terror exists. 
That is why exercises of this kind organized by EDA are a neccessity in international context.
That is also the reason we'd like to inform you about all of this, and about the men and women behind it. Andy Gray: 'We learn them how to think'  
  LAST SURPRISE...... : 
The USA helicopter magazine 'Rotor & Wing' published this part 1 story in the October edition. (above)
Here below part 2 in the November edition:
2016 we'll provide R&W with new articles !



PWords of thanks:

We'd like to sincerely thank again all those who made it possible for us to show you this exercise the way we did.  
Without mentioning really all the names still: Carla &  Philipp for your planning and cooperation, all opportunities such  
as all interviews, flying us into the 'War-zone' by Chinook and NH-90 to have the best experience you can have: 
Right  in the middle of the action ! 
Also thanks to (only firstnames and in arbitrarely order): 
Col. Massimo, Col. Andrea, Col. Christian, Lt. Col. Florian, Col. of Austrian AF, Lt. Col Roel, 
Endre, Milos, Baldassini, Guillaume, Gabriele and all those who were helpful but we failed to mention.
  Thank you all sincerely once again !

   Click here for the written article   i

End of overview Italian Blade impressions Viterbo 2015 page 7 of 7  i

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