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  Dutch Aviation MEDIA 2009 

A new article for the independent leading Itailan aviation magazine 'Aeronautica & Difesa'
Now we come to the last part of our impressions:


Out of the Jet Ranger we witnessed the Fire Fighting exercise, filling up bambi buckets with water
This can be out of (artificial) lakes, creeks or a bassin filled up by local fire fighters
The bucket is lowered under water level, fills itself up by towing it up and the fire can be extinguished
Once again: Flying in, filling up and go... to open the bucket and spread the water like a mist 
Get back a.s.a.p, fill up and the next run... Easy does it ? Forget it ! Accuracy !
Though it gives fine images we must admit, over trees, crops and fields 
Fly in over a creek, submerge and the bucket is filled up again for a next round 
The advantage from helicopters, they can land almost everywhere (notice the CL-415)  
This was for real as you see. Many times this can be life-dangerous because of the blinding smoke
This demonstrates that an airforce is no longer just an offensive or defensive organisation but also  
an instrument of help with the assistance of the best specialists !
Thank you all so much for saving lives, nature and properties !
Please read our dr  Click the button to return to impressions page 1i  
Please read our dr  Click the button to read the article in English   i
Please read our dr  Click the button to visit another two Fire Fight articles i

Please read our dr  Click the button to visit Electronic Warfare (Elite Germany) i

Kees       Koos        Wim