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This last page shows you some details...
 ... to make your impression complete, like a nice painted logo on the Czech Antonov Curl, the medic teams... 
... the Press girls that took care of our accreditation,  a very well known photographer... (hello Peter)
... Bud Spencer (?!?) and the press-stand for a nice overview.
This couple is very, very important. The Birdman. This bird is trained to scare off other birds ... 
... to avoid bird-hits on planes or in engines. Usually it's a Hawk, this one is (rare) an Eagle ! 
Don't forget the push-pull carry, to tow the planes to other positions. And what a driver !.....
Once again, our Press Girls, Promo Girls and how to enter your plane if no ladder is near...
In fact there was never a dull moment, seeing paratroopers 'glide' to land on the very spot !
With some last views on the public...
... perhaps a toilet-visit before leaving...
... a last picture of the Hind ground crew, and the fire brigade, well trained each day of the year
The real important guys of the departure day: The PLATFORM MASTERS ! They love their job !
This team really has humor. My problem: I don't speak Czech, otherwise I'd love to work with them !! 
Look at 'm... This really is crazy.... but: FUN !!
Ok, almost end of the show, a goodbye to staff, public relations, pilots and security...
A goodbye to the common people that enjoyed, and the high ranked authorities...
The photographers job is done, he looks one last time to the place where history meets present...
... and where present came thanks to history !
Hradec Kralove came to rest after strenuous but extremely beautiful days. CIAF 2009 !

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Our heartfelt thanks to all who made our visit possible !
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