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Aeronautica & Difesa published: Article Massimo Baldassini
Our respected Aeronautica & Difesa collegue Massimo Baldassini has the credits for his article which we present here below. 
We show it to make the Italian Blade publications complete since we were there together as wll as in the field as in the Hotel ;-) 
Thanks Massimo for your friendly cooperation by having you on our website !


We now continue with our impressions: The anti terrorists action !
Non-verbal communication between the ground and the Chinook...
... strategic locations are secured and observed...
....the search for the terrorists has started. They must be here somewhere, hidden in the field !!
This information was already known via 'intelligence'.... so the fields are scoured by heavily armed soldiers....
....every possible hide-out is checked and searched, make no mistake !
Action by a cave entrance, an obvious hiding place....
.... handgranades will be used if there is a reason for within rules of engagements....
....unfortunately no terrorists inside. Keep looking ahead...
Still the fields are they searched thoroughly, there is no possible escape....
....covering eachothers back...
....and of course the Mangusta's circle around to notice and report every single suspicious movement, and give fire-support when needed.
The terrain where the terrorists are hiding is hermetically being sealed....
....slowly the circle becomes smaller....   groups inform eachother continuesly....
...the process closes itself...
....troops think they are on the edge of the innercircle....
.... more helicopters are stand-by if the situation might unexpectedly change.... 
....  another air-to-air picture from out of our NH-90, the CH-53 is circling around pending orders...
.... as well as a group special forces waits for further instructions...
.... the mangusta's fly around for any possible escalation or sudden fire of whatever kind....
.... every possible threat is monitored and under control of a capable team... 
..... the parked convoy nearby protects itself...
.... but still too many risks and uncertainty...
.....there are special NBC (nuclear-biological-chemical) teams on stand-by, just in case ...
.... every single man, team, unit, all they know as professionals that one can always expect the unexpected....
..... but still the terrorists haven't been found...
.... the Austrian team here is following it all closely...
.... the situation doesn't change for some moments while the search is still going on under protection of the Mangusta's....
....searching among grass and cottonbolls...
...circling around for the order to retrieve the troops...
....Convoys of army-vehicles are still standing by....
....and move as soon as the word goes that the terrorists are located...
Italian Chinook as wel...
Checking every corner or possibility and not overlooking any detail... 
( The complete written article is to be found at page 7 )

  To Italian Blade impressions page 6 of 7  i

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