Dutch Aviation MEDIA 2012                    page 7 of  7 
After the exercises and after we have been picked up by 'our' bell-412SP nr.143 we start flying back to the base.
Though not the purpose of the flights....
.... we dedicate another webpage on the environmental pictures we made, sometimes breath-taking !!
Follow us on the way, and try to find the
The North of Norway is sparsely populated, and distances over water are often the only 'road'.
A 'check and greet' to the 'Hurtigruten' , a well known and busy ferryboat.
A picturesque harbour....
Stunning view on a mountain that breaks through the clouds just as we pass.....
Over and along snowy woods....
.... over high hilltops...
..... amazing how this world looks like a Disney-World on it's own...
..... small colorful houses hidden in the fjords...
Enjoy some impressions with us...

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The beautiful day comes to an end, we land safely and leave the platform in an impressing setting of clouds and light
Back to the administration, checking out, passports in return and back to the Hotel. 
A last view on the harbour...
Expected tired perhaps, our author Kees seems to have his best moment of the day ?...... 
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Our polite thanks to all involved staff & crews of Norwegian Airforce and Navy, and the English Detachment to make it all happen during our visits ! Thanks for your trust, cooperation, efforts, warm hospitality  and information !
               Go to the Dutch exercise 'Cold Blaze' in Norwayi
               Article in English     i                   
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