Dutch Airforce raffles an F-16 Flight !  

info@dutchaviationmedia.com                                                                   64 pages iiiiiiiiii                                                                    iiiiiiiiiDutch Aviation Media
Photographic impressions (like on this site) but now in a book !
The images tell their stories, with minor captions here and there
Surprising perhaps but the books are only in Dutch and not primarely for selling purposes
Still in some occasions we did sell a few, without pecuniary purpose. In case: Just contact us
We show just a few pages of the book without comments, for your impression
Below this page you can click for the complete story and article !
Though a strictly Dutch affair, the captions in English for our visitors abroad
To enthuse young people to join the Airforce the Dutcg AF organized a contest in cooperation with Radiostation Qmusic
Jeroen Heiliegers (a student) was the sympathic winner of the F-16 flight
You can click yourself to the whole story below on this page 
It was all broadcasted live on radio the whole day, moetly by DJ Wouter van der Goes
When pilot Ralph decided to push the F-16 vertical full throttle it was all:  Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh fuck ! what listeners heard ;-)))
Though after the landing Jeroen drank his traditional beer, a little pale that is....  follow the complete story : Click below please.

i  Go to the story of the Dutch AF 'Qmusic Winnersflight'  i

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