
Dutch Aviation MEDIA 2012

Florennes in spotlight during 70 years of Military Aviation  
The credits for this coverpicture on this Cockpit magazine are for Bart Rosselle, thank you Bart !

In some cases we may use pictures of professional collegue aviation photographers. Such was the case with the 70-years Florennes celebration while during our visit it was raining 'cats and dogs'. Bart Rosselle of Belgian Airforce was so kind to permit us the use of some pictures for the article(s) we made. Cockpit redaction asked us for a cover-picture which we provided with the emphatic communication: 'Credits Bart Rosselle Belgian Airforce'.

For some reason this was not stated this way, mistakes can happen but we regret this very much, we would never intentionally let it seem like it were our own credits. Never the less we regret it and apologise also on behalf of Cockpit.  

Hereby we'd like to ask your attention for an exclusive opportunity, air-to-air photography by yourself !
People like Eric Coeckelberghs and Bart Rosselle make this kind of activity possible for you !
For more information click the picture below and you'll be able to get all information you need !
Hoping that by this advertising we made amends and perhaps you will be picturing like Bart Rosselle in 2013 ? 

  70 years aviation / Florennes AFBL

In honor to 70 years aviation / Florennes AFB Aeronautica & Difesa dedicated an article to this base.
We were in the unfortunate circumstance that our visitday characterised itself by rain, rain and more rain !
The saturday however was splendid, and gave many fine pictures to them who were there at that time.
Bart Rochelle of the Belgian AF allowed us to publish some of his available images to show you the impressions
of a nice day at Florennes, with his professional made images. Thank you Bart for your kind gesture !
Very early in the morning we arrive in Belgium, near the base.
Most people are stll asleep, and for the cows its a regular day....
This French speaking environment shows the rest and quitness that this small town breathes...
But between church and castle the coming Airshow is already announced !
Soon this F-16 will be in the always nice weather above th clouds ! (6 Pictures here credits: Bart Rosselle, Belgian AF)
And what a view you have as military phorographer ! We show you some images of Bart Rosselle here below:
Credits: Bart Rosselle - Belgian Airforce
This really is air-air photography !     (Credits: Bart Rosselle - Belgian Airforce)
Captain Renaud ‘GRAT’ Thys performs the F-16 solo display with more than 1800 flying hours of which 1200 on F-16
Captain 'Grat'on the wheel :-))    Credits: Bart Rosselle - Belgian Airforce
By entering the base you'll find some 'wrecks and relics like this Thunderstreak
A Mirage-III
Some types in various versions
The Sea King flies it's first recce round over the airbase, marking the celebration of 70 years of military aviation
When the Sea King flies this first round, many airplanes are still parked in the morning dew
Florennes was for many years the host of NATO’s Tactical Leadership Program (TLP)
Today it is the home of the 2nd Tactical Wing of the Air Component of Belgian defence force
By the way, a list of these participants is added down below this page, for your convenience.
During many years aircraft of different squadrons of many NATO’s allies visited Florennes like this Turkish F-16
Of course a primary role was for the 2nd Tactical Wing itself, next to for instance this Dutch F-16
Pilots and groundcrews were happy to show their work to family and friends.
Press was allowed to get the first impressions on the field and platform before the doors opened.
2nd Tactical Wing itself flies the F-16MLU and is alternately with 'Kee Bee' Air Base in charge for the F-16 Solo display.
Nice visitors to 'help'celebrate was the Dutch Hunter Association.
Mostly at this events the germans join with their Bolkow B-105 type.
Airplanes were present from old to new 
Still (as seen above)  the weather spoiled half the event !
Striking funny detail was the participation of re-enactors on the site.
With two airplanes they acted as being German military men in World War II as this ME-208
Officers on an occupied airbase, discussing their tactics and orders 
They do this job very well, and convincing... next to this Fieseler Storch
..... and note that they look a 100% as in that time, complete with the 'Iron Crosses'!
What shall we do gentlemen, what will be our best rout to fly ??
Obvious there are places not to be, because of the allied forces during the last days of the war.....
These are the thoughts and impressions that these re-enactors give you when waqtching. Curious !
You almost place yourself in that time, 1944 / 1945 ....
There are complete groups that work together in this re-enacting. Some 300 actors on the ground were involved 
with this process around these Messerchmitt 208 and Fieseler Storch in Luftwaffe colours. 
NOTE: .... on the end of page 2 you can find a button to see more about this re-enactors phenomenon.....
......where you can find a complete overview of 'Market Garden' operation on the end of the war.
'Golden Oldies' and so very nice to see.....  Morane Saulnier 733
Bad weather, cold wind, driving rain, such a pity for visitors and organisation on the sunday 
Taking shelter...
Even Turkish and Greek pilots could not bring the sun, some diehards still took pictures...
...and the Gripen kept a watchful eye.
...Some processions took place, but reluctantly, this should be a wonderful day. 
Mostly this kind of festivities take months of preparation...
.... many participants ride hundreds of kilometers, such as yhe Patrouille de France simulators.....
..... the 'Big Boys' didn't seem to bother and flew their show....
.... as well as some demoteams like the Croatian 'Krila Oluje' or ‘wings of storm’ 
Also a team of four Marchetti SF-260 training aircraft presented themselves.
The event in Florennes was participated by up to four countries performing an air display besides the Belgian solo display
The brightly colored Boeing Stearman.....
Another teams was the Pilatus PC-7 team from Switzerland.

  ii  Join us at page 2 for some more nice impressions and the story ? i
               The written article is also to be found at page 2
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