C-47 SKYTRAIN (Dakota)        

Sir Winston Churchill and Dwight D Eisenhouwer both stated: 
The C-47 is one of the four planes that won World War II
A new article for the independent leading Dutch aviation magazine 'Piloot en Vliegtuig'
'Piloot en Vliegtuig' reports about the legendary C-47 Skytrain (Dakota) 
Thessaloniki Micra hosts this fine warbird, a 'real' plane !
From which angle anyway, it's a shining beauty !
A joy to sit in this cockpit and fuselage, that makes you dream in1to times  of Glory !
Charis our host provided us with these 'flying images'...
What a sound to hear, these fine old-fashioned engines !
She seems to keep the Superscoop Firefighters company in the sun of Thessaloniki Micra  
Many happy landings, Major 'XX' and collegues ! Do enjoy your flights !
Dutch Aviation Team enjoyed Greece for sure ! Thanks Charis !
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